Apr 26, 2018
You are in for a treat. Great ready for Scifi News Plus. I have a special guest, Jeff Carroll joining me on this podcast. He is a South Florida author who writes Hip Hop horror, Sci/fi and Fantasy. We had an amazing conversation about the current state of scifi/fantasy and minorities.
In addition, I have my usual "BIG"...
Apr 21, 2018
Sure, this podcast comes out on 4/20 and rather being mellow, I talked about a great number of people who had recently pass. To quote Kirk from Star Trek II, "How we deal with death is at least as important as how we deal with life, wouldn't you say?" How do I deal with life? I made another Scifi News Podcast this week....
Apr 13, 2018
Your eyes or rather your ears will not deceive you. This is indeed another Scifi News podcast from right at you. Let's just cut to the chase. What are the "BIG" 3 Scifi News items for this week:
Apr 10, 2018
I did a mighty task of reading and finishing the last half of the book Ready Player One in one afternoon. To boot, I had rewatched the movie and then later in the same day, got together with Mr. Gene to record our thoughts.
I am grateful for the return of my co-host hence why I did very little editing. What you hear...
Apr 6, 2018
I am back. I've got lots to talk to you about and trust me its a lot. I'm a professional so please stand back but listen, let me clear my throat.
What are the "BIG" 3 Scifi News items I'll be talking about: