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The Monster Scifi Show

The Monster Scifi Show is your go-to weekly podcast that is filled with the latest scifi and pop culture news plus movie & tv reviews/commentary.

It’s Scifi from a certain point of view.

Sep 18, 2018

This is a rare and a perfect storm of a podcast. Not only is Mr. Gene is back to talk about some scifi crap but my cousin Ralph also joins me on this episode as well.

Mr. Gene joins me for this portion of the podcast:

  • The name is Caulder. Niles Caulder. Timothy Dalton joins Doom Patrol
  • Brie says cheese in her Captain Marvel outfit.
  • Best Recall of an Oscar Category and the Oscar goes to...

Bonus material:

  • Remembering Burt Reynolds
  • Iron Fist Season 2 Episodes 1-3 with Ralph
  • Jack Ryan Season 1 Episodes 1-3 with just me - The Monster

Finally, here's the link to the ESO Network Patreon page.